Where Did Kendall Jenner Go to College?

Name:Kendall Nicole Jenner
Status:Never Attended

What College Did Kendall Jenner Attend?

Kendall Jenner did not attend any college. In fact, she was home-schooled before becoming the multi-millionaire media personality, socialite, and supermodel that she is today.

Kendall Jenner in high school
Kendall Jenner in high school

What Degree Does Kendall Jenner Have?

None, Kendall Jenner does not have a college degree. Instead, she decided to pursue a career in modeling at the early age of 14. She mentioned in an interview that the only reason to go to college was to get a job, and she already had several opportunities waiting in line.

Was Kendall Jenner in a Sorority? If So, Which One?

No. Because she never attended college, Kendall Jenner didn’t have an opportunity to join a Sorority.

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